Robbery and Burglary Criminal Defense Lawyer
Benjamin Greenwald is an experienced NY robbery and burglary Attorney. If you’ve been charged with robbery and burglary in Monticello, New York, then you should know that the prosecution will not be taking it easy on you. Like many other crimes, Monticello prosecutes those charged to the full extent of the law, and they’re looking to make their case.
It’s important to know that robbery and burglary are not the same. If a person is charged with robbery, it means that he or she is physically robbing a person. That could mean stealing a woman’s purse or stealing a bank code and getting money from a machine.
Burglary is the theft within a building. If a person breaks into your home and steals your TV, they are committing robbery.
The Law Office of Benjamin Greenwald understands the significant differences between these two jobs and can help you if you’re charged with either one. Don’t wait for the prosecution to make its case against you. Learn more about robbery and burglary in Monticello, New York, and let our law office do the rest.
There are three crimes related to robbery:
A person can be charged with robbery in the third degree is he or she forcibly steals the property of another person (New York Penal Law 160.05). This can mean that a person grabs a woman’s purse as she’s walking down the street, or a man is pickpocketed while attending a festival or an event. This charge is considered a class D felony and can lead to up to 7 years in prison.
Robbery in the second degree (NY PL 160.10) is a class C felony and similar to the previous charge in that it still involves forcibly stealing property. This charge is brought against a person who has another person present at the scene (an accomplice), injures a person who isn’t participating in the crime, or shows off what seems to be a shotgun, rifle, pistol, revolver, machine gun or any other type of firearm. Additionally, anyone who steals a motor vehicle can also be charged with second degree robbery.
The most serious robbery charge – first degree robbery, a class B felony (NY PL S 160.15) – involves forcibly stealing property and ends up committing one of the following: seriously injuring another person, using or threatening to use a dangerous instrument, or displaying the weapons listed above. Charges can be downgraded if it becomes known that the weapons were not loaded.
Burglary charges in Monticello, New York, also have three degrees.
Third degree burglary (S 140.20) charges can be brought against a person who is unlawfully in a building and there specifically to commit a crime. This does not include people who may or may not have known being in a certain building was illegal. The person had to knowingly enter the building to commit the crime. This is a class D felony.
Burglary in the second degree (S 140.25) is more serious than third degree burglary. Upon entering the building, a person who is armed with a deadly weapon or some type of an explosion, causes injuries to another person not involved in the crime, threatens others with a dangerous instrument, or displays what looks like a shotgun, rifle, pistol, revolver, machine gun, or another firearm can be charged with second degree burglary. The building in question must also be a dwelling. Assuming the necessary criteria is met, the person can be charged with a class C felony.
First degree burglary (S 140.30) charges are the most severe. If a person unlawfully enters a building with the intent to commit a crime, he or she can get their charges upgraded from third to first degree if he or she is actually armed with a deadly weapon or explosive, causes physical harm to another person not involved in the crime, uses or at least threatens t use an dangerous instrument, displays what look to be any of the weapons listed above. This is a class B felony.
Contact the Law Office of Benjamin Greenwald
Robbery and burglary charges in Monticello, New York, are nothing to be taken lightly. In addition to paying large fines and potentially spending a lot of time in prison, you may find it hard to escape your criminal conviction. It will follow you from job to job and school to school.
The best thing to do is assure yourself that you won’t end up convicted. That’s where the Law Office of Benjamin Greenwald, NY robbery and burglary Attorney, can help. Our law office is ready to handle your case, and though we’ve handled many robbery and burglary cases before, you can be sure that your case will be handled with the upmost professionalism and proficiency.
Call an experienced trial lawyer who will truly fight for you. Contact our office at 845-567-4820 to schedule a confidential consultation. Se habla español. All major credit cards accepted.